This is one of, if not the, strongest "ur *relative* *LGBTQ+ trait* sentences around. Saying this will not only
vaporize the person you were talking to, but have very bad effects on anybody around. People very nearby (5-10 feet) will die or (at 10 feet) fall into a coma. At 11-25 feet, people will contract pontentially fatal diseases and get radiation poisoning. At 26-35 feet, people will have lesser diseases, like diarrhea or hiccups and some radiation poisoning. At 36-50 feet, people will get a tiny amount of radiation poisoning and get a cold or the flu. At 50 to 150 feet, people will feel the
shockwave of you saying "
your grandfather bisexual", and feel as though you had just insulted them personally. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.